Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm Back

As usual time is flying away from me. There are just never enough hours, let alone minutes in a day. Of course being a single mum 75% or so of the month doesn't help while Troy is away working. Plus working myself 5 days a week and performing the role of taxi driver for swimming which has started again. O the fun of it all. I really need to take some time out for myself. Off to help with the Sunday raffles for Junior Lifesaving tomorrow, so most of the afternoon will be gone then. Might get up early for once and take the camera out for some pictures. Mum and dad are now just outside of Tully in far north Queensland. Will have to get onto dad to send through pictures as they are traveling around this beautiful country of ours. I think after a month and a half of traveling in their new home - campervan - they are slowly becoming part of the grey nomads group lol. I dug up some photos from a while back and played around with them on LR, might share some of those this time. They are some of my all time favourites. Anyway, till next time, maybe tomorrow if I can finally get some me and my camera time!

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