Wednesday, July 8, 2009

One of Sam

Well it's been quite a month. Sam was diagnosed with SPD and is now on medication but things are still very hard for him. He is still very low on self esteem and confidence in himself which is hard to deal with but hopefully he will get better over time. Here is a photo I took yesterday of him which so shows him for who he is, all 8 years of him. The nurses at the hospital when he was born always said he looked like he had been here before and he always has that aura of being older and hence taking on the troubles of the world on his shoulders instead of being able to be the child he is and enjoy it. It saddens me but we can only be there for him and help as much as we all can. He needs lots of encouragement, and the last thing he needs is being put down which happens at times and totally devastates him.



Tracy Rutherford said...

Awww Carla, Sam is such a handsome young man....i just love looking at your photos.

Carla Busk said...

Thanks Tracy, he takes after his dad that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carla, Jenny from JFI. Sam is such a handsome boy. Love to talk to you about SPD. I looked it up and gee some things sound true with some things with my girls. Brit was put down in years 4 & 5. I had her removed from those peers, and she found new friends. We also did a program through the school, in regards to letting your worries go. It was a coping mechanism she learnt. She never slept, and always thought her eye was falling out. The program we did through the school really helped her, and of course finding new friends with positivety helped emensely. The old saying goes, some people you should just move away from, as they give out bad energy. I like to surround myself with positive people, as negatively weighs too heavy on me. Hope this helps. Talk to you soon. Jen

Carla Busk said...

Thanks Jenny. Will try and pop around sometime this week when I get a chance if you like.